The Current State of Selected Heritage Resources in Uzo Uwani South Eastern Nigeria

Author Details

Cyriacus Chijioke Oji, Edwin Emefesi Okafor, Patrick Uche Okpoko

Journal Details


Published: 31 July 2023 | Article Type : Research Article


This paper discusses the state of Heritage Resources in Uzo Uwani area of Enugu State. The researcher focused on five study locations within the study area which includes Abbi, Adada, Akpugo, Nrobo and Ugbene Ajima. Uzo uwani is endowed with diverse unique Heritage resources. Despite the relevant these, products, they are facing challenges. The culture, that produced, protected and preserved this heritage are now indirectly destroyed through commercialization and modernization which if not checkmated will produce people with western cultures in the near future. The current state of the resources is best described as endangered and it is arguably almost at the verge of extinction if nothing is done and very fast too. However, the cultural objects are left in the open air thereby exposing them to various vagaries deterioration due to neglect and poor handling. Close observations reveals that local hunters have turned locations of these resources as goldmine for hunting and poaching of animals which has resulted in regular brush burning in the area. The annual bush burning for farming activities and human neglect have done more harm than good to these resources the study recommends preservation of heritage resources endangered by the public, Christianity and vandalism which can be forestalled through the following means, legislation, awareness public enlightenment and exhibition.

Key Words: Heritage, Resources, Preservation and Sustainable Tourism.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Research Article

How to Cite


Cyriacus Chijioke Oji, Edwin Emefesi Okafor, Patrick Uche Okpoko. (2023-07-31). "The Current State of Selected Heritage Resources in Uzo Uwani South Eastern Nigeria." *Volume 5*, 1, 28-43